vyzvaWe call on European politicians to ban all substances of concern from consumer products by 2029!

The majority of Europeans have increased levels of toxic chemicals in their bodies and some of them even pass through placenta from the mother to her unborn child. A significant source of these chemicals are consumer products used in our daily lives.  Europe is a pioneer in protecting consumers from toxic chemicals. This is demonstrated, for example, by the fact that many hazardous substances are already banned in toys. However, other products, like apparel, are not as safe. Clothing for dolls has stricter limits on toxic substances than clothing for small children.

As our most recent test results demonstrated, Bisphenol A – one of the most toxic and well-studied endocrine disruptors – is present and allowed in children's clothes yet is banned in toy clothing. This fact clearly points to the need for more stringent regulation of chemicals across the whole spectrum of consumer goods.

The introduction of a new chemical onto the market takes as little time as 6 months. On the other hand, the process of banning these substances, if they prove to be harmful, takes up to 20 years. During this long time, consumers are exposed to cocktails of new and potentially dangerous chemicals. These substances can have numerous negative effects: they may cause irreversible brain disorders, contribute to infertility in the European population, lead to cancer and, last but not least, create hazardous waste, and pollute the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the soil which grows our food. This imbalance between the speed of innovation and consumer protection is unsustainable and must be addressed urgently.

We call on European politicians:

Ban the most hazardous substances from consumer products during your mandate between 2024-2029. It is essential that the regulation of chemicals in a wide range of consumer goods is accelerated and tightened. Toxic substances must be banned in groups with similar chemical compositions and toxicity.­­­­­­­­­­­­­­


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This call to action is part of the Life Programme (LIFE22-GIE-HU-ToxFree LIFE for All, 101114078) aiming at protecting the health of citizens from risks and impacts related to the exposure of harmful chemicals in everyday consumer products. It aims to support the transition towards a sustainable and toxic-free economy, society and environment by informing, empowering, and enabling consumers to choose products with less hazardous components, thus protecting themselves, the environment and signalling the necessity of change towards the market. The project will also mobilise citizens in the support of policy processes that aim for the prohibition of harmful substances.

The project is coordinated by the TVE (Tudatos Vásárlók Egyesülete, Hungary) in partnership with Arnika (Czechia), dTest (Czechia), VKI (Verein für Konsumenteninformation, Austria) and  ZPS (Zveza Potrošnikov, Slovenia).  


This project is funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.